Recruit. Nurture. Retain.

The cost, time and effort needed to source outstanding talent can be a continuous challenge for start-ups, small and medium-sized companies.

Retaining new employees and getting the best out of them is an additional demand on business leaders.

Lozen recruits, nurtures and retains successful talent by providing a bespoke, consultancy-driven service, galvanised by three key areas of strength:

  • An understanding of your business, goals and unique needs through analytical curiosity
  • An intuitive feel for talented people
  • A commitment to continuous research on the skills and competencies required for future business success

“Strong as man, braver than most and cunning in strategy”.

Lozen is known amongst some historians as the “Apache Joan-of-Arc”.

She was an Apache warrior and the sister of Victorio, a well-known Apache chief. He described Lozen as his right hand. She was one of the bravest warriors of all time, a spiritual leader to her people and a great strategist.

The company is named after Lozen, as she embodies many of our core beliefs and values. Lozen valued her people and was considered a shield to them. Similarly, we are the right arm to successful leaders who want a trusted partner, one they know will apply strategy and insight into finding the very best talent solutions.